Saturday, June 25, 2011

Class conflict...

Visual Summary Of The World's High Net Worth Individuals

Another news flash...

American Electric Power (AEP) sent shock wave last week by suggesting consumers could see their electricity bills jump an estimated 40-60% in the next few years due to new air regulations by the EPA.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Health Care...waste mgmt, what a crock

Estimated waste in American health-care spending

AMERICA has a talent for wasting money on health care. It has devised many ingenious ways to do this. A patient may see many skilled specialists, none of whom co-ordinate with one another. Payment systems are unfathomably complex and highly variable. Doctors order duplicative or unnecessary tests. The country excels at treating sick people and does a horrible job keeping them from getting sick in the first place. All these problems, however, are due to a simple, structural failing: the more services a hospital provides, the more it is paid. Note the *total waste in billions...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Now, now, there's plenty for everyone...

An Unspeakable Word Is the Word That Has to Be Spoken

Warning: This essay does not include the single most reprehensible, shocking, forbidden expletive in the language. Maybe it should.